.. Athena document is copyright 2016 Bruce Ravel and released under The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Data analysis ============= :demeter:`athena` provides various kinds of data analysis. None of the data analysis capabilities in :demeter:`athena` require the use of :demeter:`feff`. Analysis of data using :demeter:`feff` is a huge topic and is the purpose of the :demeter:`artemis` program. The data analysis techniques included in :demeter:`athena` are all purely empirical. While there is no substitute for careful, sophisticated analysis of EXAFS data using theory from :demeter:`feff`, often the empirical techniques described in this chapter are adequate to answer the questions you have about your data. :demeter:`athena`'s analysis tools are accessed from the analysis section of the main menu, as shown below. .. _fig-analysis: .. figure:: ../../_images/analysis.png :target: ../_images/analysis.png :align: center The data analysis tools in the main menu. ---------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 lcf pca peak lr diff